Category: Building Interfaith Communities

Building Interfaith Communities

Responsibility and Hard Work Needed to ‘Love Thy Neighbor’

This blog was adapted from a keynote address given at the annual dinner of the Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding on Oct. 10, 2023. The words “love thy neighbor” are well worn, and some might…

Love Your Neighbor
Building Interfaith Communities

A Universal Problem: How Mental Health Affects All Communities & Religions

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Harriet Aholo, a Master’s in Peace Studies student at Hartford International University discusses the role of faith and interfaith communities in mitigating the effects of mental health issues.

ole of interfaith communities in mental health
Building Interfaith Communities

Jewish and Muslim Chaplains Gather and Connect at ‘Chaplains of the Book’ Conference

Rabbi Neal Joseph Loevinger had the idea for the conference, ‘Chaplains of the Book’ which would bring Jewish and Muslim chaplains together where they could learn from each other about their experiences with interfaith chaplaincy.

what jewish and muslim chaplains can learn from each other
Building Interfaith Communities

Welcoming Ramadan and Promoting Inclusivity in the Workplace

As we get ready to welcome Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims this year, what are some of the things that you can do in your workplace to promote inclusivity for your Muslim colleagues and coworkers?

promoting inclusivity in the workplace