Category: Building Interfaith Communities

Building Interfaith Communities

A Name Change Not Taken Lightly

In one form or another, Hartford Seminary has been around for 187 years. While the campus has been in five different locations, and though we actually began as the Theological Institute of Connecticut, for most…

hartford seminary new name
Building Interfaith Communities

Reflection on 9-11 at Hartford Seminary And Our Commitment to Building Interfaith Understanding

On September 11, 2001, our world changed. That Tuesday has affected everyone around the world in ways that are still being felt. I was living in Cairo, Egypt in September 2001. I had just come…

building interfaith understanding through interreligious dialogue
Building Interfaith Communities

How Hartford Seminary Students and Faculty Interfaith Efforts Support Refugees

Refugees can face overwhelming challenges as they strive to rebuild their lives in an unfamiliar country, assimilate into a new culture, become economically self-sufficient, and even, simply to survive.  In order to meet these challenges…

interfaith efforts to support refugees
Building Interfaith Communities Islamic Chaplaincy

How to Suffer with Grace: Lessons from a Beloved Chaplain

Imam Sohaib Sultan didn’t know much about me, except that I was Hartford Seminary’s Director of Communications and that I asked him from time to time for favors, such as letting us post his picture…

Imam Sohaib Sultan smiling, a lesson on suffering with grace