Award-Winning Documentary Focuses on Yale Chaplain Omer Bajwa ’10

Hartford International University has produced its first documentary, which focuses on the life and career of Chaplain Omer Bajwa ’10. Learn more about Omer, his journey to becoming a chaplain, and his message for hope. The 16-minute film has already been recognized at the Platinum level in the 2023 Viddy Awards, an international competition recognizing achievement in video and digital production skills.Chief Creative Officer Steven Havira began interviewing and filming Omer in the summer of 2022 and gradually completed the documentary over the next year.
Omer was the first Muslim chaplain at Yale University, starting in 2008. He serves as the Director of Muslim Life in the Chaplain’s Office at Yale and is seen as a mentor and role model for chaplains of all faiths. Omer also co-edited the book Mantle of Mercy: Islamic Chaplaincy in North America, which includes essays from many different chaplains educated at HIU since it started the first Islamic Chaplaincy program in the nation in 2001.
About Hartford International
As a pioneering, interreligious, international university, Hartford International has helped thousands of people find peace within, and many thousands more find peace with each other. At HIU, we offer degrees and certificates that will assist you in your pathway to become a chaplain. With an interreligious education, our graduates are confident in their ability to care for and empathize with people of all backgrounds in diverse settings.