Jewish Peacebuilding Student Testifies on Antisemitism Bill


Master’s in International Peacebuilding students learn critical skills needed to foster empathy and awareness by learning, for example, about the science and impact of trauma, methodologies of dialogue and mediation, and interfaith scriptural analysis on peace, justice, and oppression. Local resident and HIU student Hannah Belsky recently testified before the CT General Assembly on a bill to form a task force on antisemitism in K-12 education. Her testimony is an example of the ways our students put their experiences and studies to work to make a difference in their communities. 

Thank you for the opportunity to testify on HB 7012:

I’m a proud Jewish mother in West Hartford and a student in Peacebuilding at Hartford International University. As an educator and peacebuilder, I’ve also had the privilege of working and studying with Israelis and Palestinians.

I’ve experienced antisemitism, and I dream that my children will never have to hide ANY part of themselves– especially at school. I support this bill, and I’d like to share some recommendations:

  1. First, teach our children that Jews are diverse, even – for better or worse – on Zionism and Israel. Anti-Zionism feels unsafe for many of my Jewish friends and Zionism TOO feels unsafe for many Palestinians and their allies. When defining antisemitism, be mindful of alienating our neighbors, AND understand that silencing dissent deepens division.

  2. The Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation do crucial work AND it’s important to recognize that they do not represent all Jews. A growing number of Jews feel that there is no longer a home for their families within many mainstream Jewish institutions. These Jews ALSO experience antisemitism, and we must include all Jewish in our fight against antisemitism.

  3. Resist the idea that teaching the right FACTS will reduce antisemitism. Teaching only one narrative on any complex issue tells our children unrealistically that there are neat answers to extraordinarily messy questions. Train our teachers to teach and hold space for multiple narratives. This approach fosters empathy, critical thinking, and reduces hate.

  4. Danger is a painful reality for our Jewish children. However, we ourselves need to distinguish between danger and discomfort, and we must help our children learn how to do the same. Discomfort is a part of transforming conflict; please promote accountability and courageous conversation over punishment where possible. Foster self-reflection and a willingness to rethink. And help children learn as well that there can be a disconnect between our intent and the IMPACT of our speech and action on our peers.

  5. Educate for Peace. I’ve experienced – and scholars have measured – that one of the best ways to reduce hate is to encourage children to hear the other AND for themselves to be heard. Deepen investment in dialogue and restorative justice. In Connecticut, we know that diversity is a strength, NOT a threat.

  6. Our Jewish children need your help, and don’t forget that addressing antisemitism requires considering ALL forms of hate. Building solidarity across marginalized groups is essential for fostering TRUE safety, understanding, and inclusion.

In closing, YOU have an opportunity to NOT ONLY keep our Jewish children safe BUT ALSO transform our schools into incubators for peace. Please take it.

Thank you.

As an institution, HIU has a policy of not issuing statements on current events but encourages students and faculty to express their opinions.